A Cutting-edge Solution for Your Company’s Consumables
Pick up larger jobs than your company thought possible, and make more money, with help from ELIMS’ patented inventory monitoring system. ELIMS streamlines your operations and cuts down on costly waste by tracking your consumables down to the very last drop. Customers average $40,000 in savings per job and benefit from a wide range of advantages.

Around-the-clock Monitoring
ELIMS’ satellite broadcasting capability offers you 24/7 remote access anywhere you have an Internet connection. Take that insight a step further by coupling ELIMS with real-time data broadcasting at your frac site and ELIMS’ secure website.

Right-sized Inventory
A fine-tuned system with 99% or greater accuracy, ELIMS allows you to see exact measurements for the fluids, solids and package inventory your company has on-hand. Eliminate the need to order and hold additional supplies, and reduce the costs associated with delivery and storage.
Additionally, ELIMS’ partnership with Economy Polymers & Chemicals allows you the option of consignment billing. Utilize third-party chemicals billed directly through ELIMS, and pay for what you use — nothing more, nothing less.

Streamlined Cash Flow
Let ELIMS’ bill-by-usage approach eliminate lag time associated with billing. This method pulls data directly from ELIMS and into your invoicing system, arriving at the predetermined time of your choice — the end of the well, at the next stage of completion or even a specific date.

Improved Personnel Issues
Reduce the amount your company spends, and diminish personal risk, with a digitized system which leaves the monitoring to the computers. ELIMS eliminates an average of 150 man hours per job by erasing the need to consolidate, move and strap inventory.

Superior Savings
Keep your company on firmer financial footing by reducing unnecessary expenses — or eliminating them altogether. Examples include third-party hauling/demurrage, partial tote handling and tote disposal.